Friday, June 25, 2010

"The Flock" gets rid of its leader.

There is a rival group amongst our flocks which calls themselves The Flock Party or TFP for short. Up till now their leader has been a young ram called Judd and his deputy Yulia has caused havoc not only within the group but also to his supporters in the AWU (Australian Woolgrovers Union) and many other groups.

We knew there was something going on the other day when we saw the Flock party pushing their leader to the front when the farmer came down to collect a ram for the “trip to you know where” ( we really don’t want to discuss this as we’ve heard horrible stories where that trip actually takes us). Obviously Judd was in a panic and tried to get back into the middle of the flock but too late, with a mighty push from Yulia and her closest friend who, for some reason is called the Swan saw “The Young Leader” being loaded onboard the old truck and taken away whilst the rest of the “gang” flocked around Yulia and, it seemed to us, they were actually quite obscene in their praise for her.

To our surprise Judd was returned by the farmer in the afternoon after “the one way journey” and we heard some muttering from the farmer like “ to thin, no meat etc.” so he’s back on pasture but outside the Flock, if you know what I mean.

Konrad, the sage in our group called us together and gave us some wise words. See how it goes if you don’t stick together eh? Let it be a lesson to you youngsters. I can assure you that Yulia in the Flock Party is only a Sheep-on-a-String at the moment and I can only emphasise the importance of being united behind a strong leader, as we are behind you. Here he turned and looked straight into the eyes of our strong leader, Antonius who, with a mighty Baaah made us all proud.

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